It felt more like a Fallout game, and the plot wasn't nearly as boring - there aren't any good guys, it's all shades of gray based on who the player likes most. If I may ask, why did you like NV over 3?NV was made by many of the same people involved with the first Fallout games.
I played it numerous times.and NV I barely finished (note, I never played any of the DLC for NV). My guess is that it was my first entry in the Fallout universe, and that it was my first Bethesda game? I played 3 so much I replayed it on the hardest difficulty, with the Pip-Boy light on and radio on 100% of the game, to further hinder myself, and I only took perks that would increase my skills so that I would eventually hit 100 in every category (which I did). I know that since I can't think of why, it shouldn't be so, but.I just didn't like NV, while I loved 3. You know, I have thought about that a lot, and I honestly can't think of why that's the case for me.